Friday 14 January 2011


As we got our filming done early, it gave us plenty of time to edit our production. We used iMovie HD to edit our production as it was an easy way to organise our clips and is generally good software to use. We used most of our lesson time to edit and also organised to edit during free lessons. We constructed our shots in storyboard order and then found out we had a problem with timing therefore we had to cut our clip down from 1:47 to the lowest possible amount of time which was 1:14, this meant having to remove a section of the dialogue. The section of dialogue that we removed when editing wasn't all that necessary, however it would of helped the audience understand the plot of our production. When adding the music to the start of our clip we used Garageband and imported it to iMovie HD. The music suited our clip very well as it built up the tension well. We made sure that the music wasn't too loud so that we could hear the dialogue. To make sure the music wasn't going to be too loud we lowered the volume of it right down so that we could here the dialogue.

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