Saturday 29 January 2011

Jacks 5 Thriller Openings

Batman Dark Knight opening
  • During the opening you hear a gradual sound build up, building up tension to make the audience start to feel uncomfortable and let them know that something bad will happen, And to snap them into attention.
  •  I like how the window then explodes to wake everyone up and think were going straight into the action.
  • Also the loud high pace action music whilst the manager of the bank, comes out with the gun to try and confront the robbers is also brilliant.
  • Sets the tone of the film, straight away letting us know who the villains are.
  • The dialogue is also good as it starts interest in the viewers, when they’re giving little bits of information off.
  • I like the fast paced cut scenes to show a fast pace action and thrill, when the bus comes through the wall, and hits one of the robbers.
  • Also I like the cross cutting to show the different scenarios that happen during he robbery.
  • Also I like the fast pace cut scenes when the robber is taking all the money from the trolleys to show his greed and need for money.
Mise en scene
  • I like the use of the masks, to try and give a little bit of fear into the audience, by creating a mystery and letting the audience think who are they?
  • The make up on the joker is a good way to show how this man I insane, as it was poorly applied and show how scary he is.
  • I like the guns and grenades as props, to show that they’re ruthless and won’t hesitate, to try and make us feel no sympathy for them as we now know they are the villians
Camera work
  • The opening scene is from a birds eye point of view, when it flies into the establishing shot of a certain window on a building
  • Also I like the tracking up to the mask to create suspense, to show a certain object and make the audience think what are they going to do with that?
  • Also I like the dollying/ handheld part where they all run in  to the bank to show conf

The Departed opening
  • The start opens with the sound of jack Nicholson’s voice, to open up as a narration to show his views things. A narration, usually used in most thrillers, to create suspense and makes the audience think who is it who is talking, and what is his role in the movie.
  • The sounds of rioting gives it a sense of violence
  • His voice during the narration is a slow drawl, that shows he is at complete ease and makes him seem as though he is in power.
  • The screech of the car gives us confusion, as jack Nicholson even looks to see what it was, but merely shakes it off when he looks away to show there is nothing wrong.
  • The music ironically is called ‘Gimme Shelter’ by the rolling stones, and that is a 1969 song to show what time period it is  set in, and how it shows that jack Nicholson is collecting the protection money from the deli.
  • The cross cutting with the narration, is also a good way to try and keep the audiences attention.
  • The slow motion tracking is also a good way to show calm environment.
Mise En Scene
  • Jack Nicholson’s sunglasses also gives him a sense of great importance and power, because he can ultimately look into the eyes of others but no one can look into his.
  • The money in his hand shows his essence of power as he got it without asking and then gives some away, as he generally doesn’t need it (but that is my opinion)
  • I like the way they never show the full face of jack nicholson’s face they always keep him in the shadows (silhouette shots)
  • I like the use of tracking when they follow jack Nicholson whilst he’s smoking his cigarette.

No Country for Old Men
  • The introduction starts with what appears to be the protagonists narration, explaining in a calm manner his thoughts and history.
  • The footsteps in the quite space just shows tension as they takes his final steps towards the police car.
  • I like the way the antagonist is kept from view the whole time, that way he has a sense of mystery about him as he is clearly kept hidden.
  • The way things are taken in such a slow manner it seems like the whole world is slowing down, like when it shows the sun rising, it looks like everything is stopping and slowing down and it fits well with the narration
Mise En Scene
  • The whole dessert, in a calm and subtle atmosphere goes well with the calm narration.
  • The police car shows that something or someone has shown reason for some authority to be out there, to keep the peace.
  • The smooth pans across the dessert shows calm.
  • The camera rarely does any moving during the first few seconds of the opening showing the large dessert and what he has to look after and police (also showing desolation as the dessert is so empty

The Prestige
  • The introduction starts with a very gripping one liner that makes the audience sit up and pay attention instantly ‘are you watching closely?’
  • Immediately after, we have a second voice narrating the rest of the introduction, giving a slight insight to what the movie has in store, giving away more of the movie.
  • The cross cutting to the past and present and future is a good way to create confusion in the movie as it makes it hard for the audience to try and keep up with it.
  • The dark lighting on the stage and under the stage, then the change of lighting when in the court room after
  • The electrical bolts that shoot across the room is a good use of editing as it creates tension as we do not know if it will kill him or not.
Mise En Scene
  • The curtains rising to reveal the machine is a good way to create anticipation, and excitement, as the audience really want to know what’s behind it.
  • The machine that shoots electrical bolts is also a good prop to create a interest and thought as to what it is.
  • The wigs of the judges show that they are judges and instantly lets us know who has the authority.
  • The fake beard and moustache is a good use to show his secrecy and how he doesn’t want to be noticed.
  • the water tank that drowns the man, is the murder weapon and one that kills the man slowly so we don’t know if he will get out in time or not at first until we are in the court room.
  • The opening scene has a handheld style camera shot, dollying on one character, walking along a bird cage
  • Also in the opening scene, it has focus pulls where the camera will focus on the birds in the bird cage and then will follow the character
The Goodfellowa’s opening
  • The opening starts with the sound of the single car driving along, showing it is a long journey as the car continuously goes.
  • After killing the man in the trunk the man who is (as we see the driver and man who opens the trunk of the car) opens up with  a one liner as a narration ‘Ever since I can remember I wanted to be a gangster’ and as soon as that is said, the music kicks in with a very loud and what appears to be a dischord, which is a collaboration of notes played together that don’t really sound right, which sets a dark atmosphere.
  • Low lighting creates a dark mood, showing us that this is something that isn’t right or could not be right.
  • The cut scenes show different periods of time to speed up towards the event, which is good because it throws the audience straight into the story.
  • As the car drives on, it cuts to a caption setting the date and place to keep our audiences in the loop.
Mise En Scene
  • The knife that is the prop used to kill the man in the trunk is used to scare the audience, as knifes are generally used to hurt people in some senses.
  • The man beaten and bloody in the trunk of the car is covered in fake blood that way it shows that he is a victim.
Camera Work
  • The camera following the car whilst its moving is used to keep our attentions fixed to the car, and makes us think who is in it.
  • The canted camera position on the victim on the shows he is in danger by having the camera placed at an awkward angle and also at a shallow depth of field, which shows he is in more of a helpless position than they are.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Jack these are great. Try to make sure that at some point you identify any techniques you have seen in your research that you might like to incorporate into your group work.
