Friday 28 January 2011

Match on action in prelimnary video

 As I was in charge of locations of filming I chose the places where we used our match on actions. We have used two examples of matches on action in our final edited clip the first occurs at 00:30-00:31 and the other at 1:06-1:09. We used match on actions to help our film flow.

 We filmed the first match on action as Jake approaches a closed door and his hand leads to push it open. To create this match on action we filmed Jake coming through the door from the other side. This shot took a lot of careful editing as we had to time it correctly. There was also an issue of continuity which we had to make sure we got right whilst filming this match on action. This was the way in which Jake opened the door, we had to make sure he lead with the same hand as he did when he was approaching the door.

For the other match on action we filmed Jake again approaching a door as he is exiting to the shot we quickly cut to the door handle as he grabs it. This is the best bit of editing in the clip in my opinion as it was well planned.

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