Friday 1 April 2011

Foundation Production: Editing Process

 During editing, we made a few changes to our initial ideas. First of all we started off editing in iMovie, this is where we arranged all the usable shots in order. These shots formed a rough cut of our thriller, however it was too long therefore we had to cut the sequence down.
  For the chase scene we had to increase the intensity to keep the audience interested, we did this by shortening the time between shots. As our selected footage was too long we had to make a big decision in getting rid of the dialogue scene in which the villain meets Jake's character and pulls out a gun on him. In the end we chose to show Jake's character being hit, the shot then ends with A point of view shot showing Jake's view looking up at the sky, this then fades out to simulate Jake's character losing consciousness.
 For the gig scene we chose to cut it right down to the point of just establishing the setting as a gig. One reasons for this was because the smoke appeared in only a few shots this meant that it would affect the continuity of the sequence.

After sorting out the movie sequence and getting a final rough cut, we then moved  the film to Final cut pro to add more detail and finishing touches to the sequence, for example titles and transitions, both titles and shots were added and eddited, we added in out titles and then also made some very small changes to our sequence, stuff like triming shot lengths etc.

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