Friday 8 April 2011

Evaluation- Jack Leonard-Tidy

Q1.) How does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Group?

 In this media production we display woman as equals in the sense that during the gig scene jack has a female drummer in the band, but also there is the traditional sense that the female is the waitress.
we could have made it more traditional, by having a male chase a female through the woods, but we did not do this as it did not fit with our story line.

Q2.) Why have you chosen to represent your characters in this way?

 We chose jake to be the protagonist, in our media production, of a thriller opening. in the synopsis, we describe him as an average guy being dragged down into a bad world of drugs and crime.

Q3.) What kind of media institution distributed your media?

 we are distributing this thriller opening by posting it on youtube and doing interviews with people explaining our film idea, which might encourage them to go watch it.
Our thriller would be distributed by 'Soda pictures' as this is an independent film and they are an independen t film studio. It is going to be shown at the 'Duke of York' Art house, as it shows independent film makers work.
once we released the movie we would try and also release it on tv, on a major tv company such as sky or virgin media, to start expanding on the amount of views.

Q4.) Target audience?

 Although there is no swearing, horrific blood scenes or murder shown in the opening i believe that this film openign should be a 15+ as the story line involves drugs and crime. Also it contained a mild fight between two people, which would not be suitable for a younger audience. We made a movie similar to rock'n'rolla as a source of inspiration with the gig scene, the crime, and the clever plot on how it all pulls together towards the end.

Q5.) How did you attract the audience?

 We kept the start of the movie fast paced, interesting and tried not to give away to much of the plot to keep the audience in suspense.
Also the fact that we started the film with a chase, and then cut to 4 days in the past, would keep the audience geussing how we even got from one place to another, which then hopefully would keep the audience attracted to the film and wanting more.

Q6.) What have you learnt about technology from the process of constructing?

I learnt how to change the levels of sound on garage band, by using different tracks and and using different eq levels so i could help the audience hear what they need to hear, rather them being confused and trying top hear over something else.
also i learnt how to use other editing software to make the groups final media piece,(final cut) and learnt how to cut scenes to keep them fast paced, and still understandable to the audience.
Q7.) Looking back what have you learned from your prelimanary tasks?

I have learnt how to use garage band more constructively and learned about how to use other editing software like final cut.

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