Monday 7 February 2011

Health and Safety when filming

When we are filming in our locations we need to consider the many potential hazards.

Possible hazards when filming in the Ashdown Forest are:
  • The risk of uneven ground and holes(rabbit and badger)  that are potential trip hazards. So we would have to check the ground where we plan to film the shots that are required.
  • We must have a clear path for the camera person as they fall and damage the equipment and themselves.
  • As we are filming in the forest we must make sure that we do not tresspass onto private property.
  • In the forest we could come across some wild animals and must not approach them incase they find us intimidating and could lash out at us.
  • We are going to be filming in an old abandoned army barrack, we have to be careful as the ceilings are quite low therefore we would have to make sure we don't hit our heads. We would also need to make sure we would have enough room.
  • As the forest is a public place we woulld have to consider that some people may walk past, therefore we would need to make signs so that people are ware of us filming.
Possible hazards when filming the club scene in either the Albermarle or the live room are:

  • As there will many extras present in the setting we would have to make sure that nobody damages the equipment or is injured by the equipment.
  • We have to ask for permission to film at the venue and so that people agree to us filming them.
  • We have to make sure the camera is out of the way of the crowd so the camera doesn't get damaged, lost or stolen.
  • As a group we would have to communicate so that we know when we are filming and where we are filming in the venue.

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